Digital Marketing
CRM Integration

CRM Integration

Are you seeking ways to streamline your business operations, elevate customer relationships, and enhance productivity? Your solution is right here! At Tactics Digital YYC, located in Calgary, we offer CRM Integration services meticulously crafted to empower your business. We specialize in seamlessly connecting your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with your current tools and processes.

Boost Your Business with Tailored CRM Solutions for Stronger Customer Relationships!



CRM Consulting and Implementation

Our CRM Consulting and Implementation service helps businesses assess their CRM needs, select the right CRM platform, and successfully implement it to streamline customer relationship management processes.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Receive expert guidance in selecting and implementing a CRM system.
  • Optimize their customer relationship management processes.
  • Enhance customer experiences through efficient CRM utilization.

CRM Integration and Customization

Our CRM Integration and Customization service focuses on integrating your CRM system with other business tools and customizing it to meet your specific requirements, ensuring seamless data flow and enhanced functionality.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Integrate their CRM system with other applications.
  • Automate workflows within their CRM platform.
  • Customize their CRM to align with unique business processes.

Data Migration and Cleansing

Our Data Migration and Cleansing service helps businesses smoothly transition their data from existing systems to a new CRM platform, ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and consistency.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Have a hassle-free transfer of data to a new CRM platform.
  • Ensure clean and reliable data for effective customer management.
  • Achieve accurate data migration from current systems to a new CRM.

CRM Training and Support

Our CRM Training and Support service provides comprehensive training to your team on how to effectively use the CRM system, along with ongoing support to address any queries or issues that arise.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Equip their team with skills and knowledge for efficient CRM use.
  • Receive ongoing support to maximize the benefits of their CRM system.

CRM Automation and Workflow Optimization

Our CRM Automation and Workflow Optimization service focuses on automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and optimizing workflows within your CRM system to improve productivity and efficiency.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Automate manual tasks in customer management.
  • Streamline customer management processes.
  • Optimize workflows for time savings and operational efficiency.

CRM Reporting and Analytics

Our CRM Reporting and Analytics service provides meaningful insights into your customer data, enabling you to make data-driven decisions, track key metrics, and measure the effectiveness of your CRM strategies.

Ideal for those who want to:

  • Gain valuable insights from CRM data.
  • Track performance using CRM analytics.
  • Leverage analytics for strategic decision-making.
  • Optimize customer management strategies.

Tools Used for CRM Integration


Step-by-Step Process

At Tactics Digital YYC, we adopt a strategic and thorough approach to CRM implementation, ensuring each project is handled with the utmost care and precision. Our process includes:

Discovery and Assessment

We start by diving deep into your business requirements, challenges, and objectives. Our team assesses your current processes and systems, pinpointing areas where improvements and customizations can be made.


Strategy and Planning

Based on our findings, we craft a detailed CRM strategy and implementation roadmap. This includes setting project milestones, timelines, and outlining the resources needed, ensuring clarity and a path towards successful implementation.


Configuration and Customization

We then tailor the CRM platform to meet your specific needs. This involves customizing the system to align with your business processes, data requirements, workflows, and reporting needs.


Data Migration and Integration

Our team skillfully manages the migration of your existing customer data to the new CRM system. We also integrate the CRM with other relevant tools and systems for seamless data synchronization and automation.


Training and Adoption

To ensure you get the most out of your CRM investment, we provide comprehensive training to your team. We focus on making sure everyone is proficient in using the system and understands its full range of features and functions. Our ongoing support tackles any queries or challenges that arise.


Continuous Improvement and Optimization

We believe in the power of continuous enhancement. By regularly monitoring the CRM system's performance, collecting user feedback, and identifying optimization opportunities, we ensure the solution keeps pace with your evolving business needs.


CRM Integration Service Packages

Basic Package

  • CRM Software Setup and Configuration
  • Contact Management and Segmentation
  • Lead and Opportunity Tracking
  • Email Integration and Automation
  • Basic Reporting and Analytics
  • Suitable for small businesses looking to implement a CRM system for streamlined contact and lead management.

Advanced Package

  • Customized CRM Workflow and Automation
  • Sales Pipeline Management
  • Customer Support and Ticketing System Integration
  • Advanced Reporting and Dashboards
  • Email Marketing Integration
  • Suitable for growing businesses that require advanced CRM functionalities to optimize sales processes and customer interactions.

Enterprise Package

  • Advanced CRM Customization and Development
  • Multi-channel Integration (Phone, Email, Chat)
  • Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Integration with Third-party Systems
  • Dedicated Account Manager and Training
  • Suitable for large organizations with complex sales and customer service requirements, seeking a fully tailored and scalable CRM solution.

Our Most Recent Portfolio



Why Is CRM Important for Sales and Marketing?

CRM helps businesses organize their sales and marketing efforts, making it easier to understand and manage leads and improve how they interact with customers. It also provides insights into what customers like and how they buy, helping tailor marketing efforts for better results.

How Does CRM Help Keep Customers Coming Back?

Can CRM Work With Other Digital Marketing Tools?

How Does Tactics Digital YYC Keep CRM Data Safe?

Which Industries Can Use CRM?

When Can You Expect Results From Using CRM?

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